Guidelines for handling sugar in bags, flour in bags, charcoal, wood chips and salt

Detailed storage and handling instructions

 Cargo transportation by sea cargo ships is an actively developing branch of the modern economy. One of the most modern types of product packaging in its preparation for transportation or transshipment is big bags. Sugar in bags, flour in bags, charcoal, wood chips, salt - all these products are most often transported in this way and in such containers.

Port transshipment stages:

  1. acceptance of goods at a terminal or other collection point;
  2. work on the transportation of goods to the port, using trains or trucks;
  3. unloading goods at a site or warehouse in a port;
  4. cargo storage ;
  5. preparation for additional storage, if necessary;
  6. cargo handling;
  7. additional services, for example, fumigation, separation, stitching, etc .;
  8. execution of documentation accompanying the goods (bills of lading, acts on acceptance of goods, executive documentation);
  9. if you have concluded a contract with a broker, then the implementation of brokerage services;
  10. agency of sea cargo by a specialist.

The necessary documentation for the cargo when ordering transhipment work:

  • name of the cargo, its exact weight, volume and dimensions;
  • the volume of a consignment of goods transported monthly;
  • type of packaging (in this case, big bags);
  • exact size of one piece of cargo;
  • depending on the type of product and the need for this, an indication of its hazard class;
  • transshipment dates;
  • individual requirements for loading and unloading goods.

What is big bag?

    Big-bag is a specialized bag that acts as a soft container made of polypropylene material. The carrying capacity of this type of packaging has a wide range, from 300 kg to 3,000 tons. 
One of the features of a big bag is the presence of slings, for which this packaging bag is lifted during transportation. The number of these slings, as a rule, ranges from two to four, inclusive.

Preliminary stages of transshipment

    First, an assessment is made of the product, and its volumetric indicators, which allows you to choose the right container that optimally satisfies the process of transporting the goods.
    The next step in the preparatory process is to weigh the big bags without the goods, then the same process, only with the loaded goods, but a little later. These actions are performed to accurately determine the weight of the goods, in order to avoid theft of cargo in the further process of transshipment. 
    After the weighing stage, there comes an equally crucial moment, namely, filling out the relevant documentation, direct transshipment of the cargo and the aforementioned weighing of the goods with the cargo. Next, the process of sealing the loaded big bags follows.
perevalka muki v portu

Subsequent and final stages of cargo transshipment

    After a certain time, weighted certificates are provided for the loaded goods, which indicate the data of the goods and its quantitative characteristics.
    Further, if the specificity of the cargo requires, a phytosanitary certificate is issued, and the goods are sent to a warehouse for transit storage. Then the goods are loaded onto the vessel along with the documentation accompanying it.

Transshipment of sugar in big bags
Handling of sugar in bags according to the standards should be carried out in no less than two plastic bags, dressed one on top of the other. Port transportation, except for bags, implies the packaging of this product also in big bags with an additional cover valve to protect it from moisture. 

Storage of sugar, flour and charcoal
  1. Storage of sugar in warehouses should be carried out under certain conditions.
  2. Flour in bags is transported only if the packaging is leakproof to prevent it from getting wet and damaging the cargo. After fulfilling the tightness condition, it is necessary to load goods packaged in additional bags and big bags with protective valves and then store them in specialized port warehouses with a specified humidity regime.

Charcoal Transshipment

Charcoal as a product made by pressing sawdust, without adding any binders that have a sticky consistency. Such products are intended for use in barbecues, they do not have a specific smell, do not emit smoke and a large amount of ash, and burn for a long time. Charcoal transshipment is most often carried out precisely in big bags, which satisfy all environmental and sanitary requirements and do not harm the environment. The size of the package is selected by specialists, based on the party, the size of the vessel and the timing of transportation.
Charcoal Transshipment

Wood chips 

Chips, as a kind of shredded wood, are a flammable cargo, therefore, its transportation and storage should be carried out strictly in accordance with regulatory and legislative acts.

Wood chips storage 

Wood chips 
Процесс ее хранения также должен поддерживаться в складских условиях при минимальной влажности. Хранение щепы в открытых складах также запрещено. Кроме того, упаковка груза выполняется в максимально легкую тару, а именно — в бигбеги, перевалку которых проводить очень просто с помощью строп.

Перевалка соли

Соль пищевая является самым массово добываемым минералом не только в Украине, но и во всем мире.
Накладная на этот товар должна содержать в себе ее разновидность, в зависимости от способа ее обработки, консистенции, фракции, сертификационной влажности. Такой фактор, как влажность соли обязательно определяется специальным лабораторным анализом. Влажностные характеристики кроме соответствия нормативам, должны подтверждаться лабораторными исследованиями. Соль после получения необходимой документации на нее, погружается в бигбеги и транспортируется далее, согласно намеченному алгоритму.
 Наиболее удобный вид тары для транспортировки соли  это бигбеги. Данные мешки удовлетворяют наилучшим образом всем экологическим требованиям, а также удешевляют процесс транспортировки.

Перевалка и хранение древесного угля

    Процесс перевалки угля является довольно специфическим и оказывает не лучшее влияние на экологию. Для минимизации воздействий негативного характера на окружающую среду, практически каждый порт оснащается системой усиленной вентиляции и водного увлажнения, а также тепловизорами.
    Биг-беги перед погрузкой древесного угля взвешиваются, затем выполняется погрузка товара с дальнейшим оформлением таможенной документации, после чего, товар выходит на завершающую стадию, то есть, загружается на судно и следует к получателю.

Перевалка муки в мешках

    В связи с рассыпчатой консистенцией, тонкостью помола, а также индивидуальными характеристиками муки, она требует специфических условий перевалки. Они заключаются в обеспечении защиты от влаги, высоких температур, от проникновения насекомых и других вредителей.
    После выполнения упомянутых выше условий, необходимо позаботиться о правильном выборе размера бигбега для перевалки муки и наличия в нем защитных клапанов, которые будут защищать этот сыпучий товар от неблагоприятного влияния окружающей среды.
Handling flour in bags

Как выполняется перевалка щепы?

    Transshipment in big bags of wood chips, regardless of their particle size distribution and purpose, is carried out only with optimal moisture content. In addition, big bags with wood chips must be stored in the port or on the ship in such a way as to prevent the charm of the cargo.


Advantages of transporting goods in big bags:

  • low costs of packaging materials;

  • high quality;

  • incredible strength, which allows you to perfectly preserve the goods during transportation, without damage, chips and dents;

  • heat resistance of polypropylene fibers to the action of both low and high temperatures, in addition, big bags made of this material are not subject to negative consequences from interaction with chemical factors;

  • many variants of this package, depending on the thickness, the presence of lamination and certain additives, can be reused without losing their original properties;

  • big bag material lends itself perfectly to warehousing and loading operations without compromising the quality of work;

  • cargo losses during transshipment operations are reduced.

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